Social Media

Social Media icons around a phone

Target Smarter, Reach Further: Social Media and Building Products Manufacturers

As a building materials brand, you know that social media should constitute a meaningful part of your marketing and communications efforts, all designed to identify and engage a community of followers and advocates. From digital advertising to community management, meeting your customers where they are is integral to your company’s success – both in person and online.

Social Media

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Must-Have Social Media KPIs for Building Products Brands

Over the past two decades, social media has evolved from a “nice to have” to a “must have” for a building products brand, whether your company manufactures insulation, insulated metal panels, cladding, windows and doors, or something else.

Social Media

Your Building Products Brand and Social Media

Your Building Products Brand and Social Media

On a daily basis, we find ourselves glued to our cell phones, bouncing between different social media apps. According to a recent report issued by Datareportal, the typical working-age internet user now spends more than 2½ hours per day using social platforms. That often includes your key audiences as a building products manufacturer – designers, architects, specifiers, builders, contractors, installers, and other key construction professionals.

Social Media

Pay to Play: Diversifying Your Social Media Program

When developing a social media program for your building materials brand, one of your primary goals is to gain new followers and potential customers.

Social Media

Strategies for LinkedIn

Better Connected: LinkedIn for Building Materials Brands

When it comes to social media platforms, LinkedIn remains one of the preferred communities for building products brands seeking to grow their business, find new customers, and recruit new team members.

Social Media

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Social Media Audit: What Channels Are Best for Your Company?

With so many social media platforms available, selecting the right one for your business can be confusing. Without a strategy behind social media, pages fizzle out, and the potential success is not realized.

Social Media

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Successful Employee Engagement on Social Media

How to Widen Your Reach as a Brand

Social Media

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Successful Social Media Engagement

In the past 20 years, social media has revolutionized how we interact and engage as a society. It began as a phenomenon geared toward college students (think Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook). Today, it has evolved into an unmistakably powerful societal tool, one that occupies hours in a person's daily life and consistently impacts everything from the flow of information to the outcomes of elections.